As a member of the ForumKorner community, please abide to the following guidelines.
Respect other members. This forum is a community, a family. Your goal as a member is to make everyone feel home. No exceptions. Greet new members, engage with old ones.
If you dislike or have beef with another user, please take it off-site. Keep the toxicity off the forums.
Low quality posting/spamming will get you a warning. You will be temporarily banned if your warning level hits 100%.
The sale of illegal items is strictly prohibited on this forum. Attempting to sell such items will result in a warning and permanent ban if the warning is ignored.
Do not ask for reactions or profile posts. Asking for Feedback is only allowed after a successful deal.
Multiple accounts are not allowed, unless otherwise granted by greg.
Please use the NSFW prefix on your threads if they contain any sensitive material, use spoilers accordingly. Not doing so will result in warnings, which can lead to a ban.
Posting personal information, or doxes of any person is strictly forbidden. If someone has their name, email, etc. publicly associated with their online identity, you may share that.
Stealing other users' accounts, whether it be an Xbox account, Instagram, or their on-site account is highly frowned upon. Doing so will result in a permanent ban and possibly even an escalation to the authorities.
Begging for anything on this site is not allowed. Do not beg for money, help, etc. You will be warned.
Please keep your signature appealing to the eye. Don't be that guy that ends up on everyones ignore list.
You and you solely are responsible for what you post on the forum.
If you are caught scamming another member, you will be punished. A permanent ban will be issued, in which you will have to follow the ban dispute process in order to be unbanned / allowed back on the forum.
Please leave feedback accordingly. Only leave feedback for deals in which you are buying, selling or trading. If you Middleman ("MM") a deal, DO NOT leave feedback on the users you've MM'd for. It is up to them to do so for each other.
Do not leave feedback on a user for them MMing a deal. You are free to leave a post vouching on their MM thread.
Media of any gore, deaths, and overall disgusting acts will leave you with a temporary ban under no circumstances. If your intentions are clear, it may be permanent.
Please do not ban evade. Ban evading is the act of making a new account due to your original one being banned. The only users who may make a new account once banned are those who:
were banned before the 2019 revival and want a fresh start
go through the ban dispute process and are given the go ahead to make a new account
Keep it clean. Curse as much as you like, but please stray away from any offensive material.
Advertising, unless allowed by greg is strictly forbidden. Your signature is your personal space to advertise your on-site threads, contact info, etc, not your personal forum.
Under no circumstances are you to leak or steal any private content of the site. Doing so may result in a ban or escalation to a higher entity.
If you are looking to post an image, please upload it to Imgur. This is for both longevity of your media and security.
When bumping threads, please don't spam. We all want our posts to be at the top but be considerate of others. Keep it at no more than 3 bumps per hour. This counts for all threads.
Guidelines always change. Please be sure to check this page here and there!
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