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  1. edgy

    semi og twitter

    holy shit sorry guys went so afk winner will be pm'd in a bit UPADTE  winner is #125  pic: sorry to the mods i went so afk lol UPDATE UPDATE: okay in the midst of chaning the password/email shit got locked i cant verify cuz the phone number is a burner...
  2. edgy

    semi og twitter

    IM A MAN OF THE PEOPLE  sorry broski but nice kiks shun
  3. edgy

    semi og twitter

    giving away @hurtf*l hint: Ukraine  ill probably choose a winner sometime tmwr 3-4 est  gonna use a random generator w/ everyones post number in ti gl
  4. edgy

    wtt twitter for kik

    @h*rtful hint: Ukraine  just want something simple, no plural forms
  5. edgy


    waterspice on hf  why would it matter anyways [hr] no would u like to be the first? [hr] im bumping this thread this @ still up 4 grabbyzz
  6. edgy


    anyone interested in this? its pretty cheap
  7. edgy


    someone just scoop this for $120 in agc idgaf [hr] do people not buy shit but rather just say "nice @ bro"
  8. edgy


    @hurtf*l hint: Ukraine is Ur CoUntry b/o $110 btc or $150 agc  seems like a fair deal imo
  9. edgy

    New Yorkers

    i live in nyc. its okay, lots of good restaurants, and you have clubs to go to that arent shit. but its expensive
  10. edgy

    wtt twit for kik

    hey broskis hmu for the twitter and i'll let u know it dont like releasing it on thread cuz im gay anyways decided to trade because no one offered to buy [hr] someone hmu and ghet this off my hands its nice i swear <3
  11. edgy

    nice twitter

    i only deal through pm sorry plus ur account is quite new replying to user above^
  12. edgy

    nice twitter

    dont want to release twitter @  pm, very cheap/great deal
  13. edgy

    Buying btc

    can do bank xfer for $50 lmk paypal is perma'd
  14. edgy


    any1 wanna like talk orsomtin?
  15. edgy

    good music whenever i listen to this song i think about my past idk why makes me feel bad