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  1. Kik Giveaway #2

    Can I get #10 thanks in advance
  2. 3 Ello Invitations

    I'll take number 4. Thanks in advance
  3. Cute animal IG

    Maybe like $40-$50 it pretty good but idk if a lot of people would know what that is
  4. Kik giveaway

    Damn. Too late. Sorry to hear you're leaving tho
  5. Trading a semi og IG

    Not many IG with . in them get much
  6. Instagram

    $5 at most cuz it's not three letters and it doesn't have any meaning
  7. Ig

    Yeah like $50 cuz it's a gen one
  8. Koins

    I'll help you get there. 88 more posts
  9. Vine URL Appraisal

    Can you give me an apprasail for the URL and I'm just doing a favor for my friend
  10. Trading vine URLs!

    Vouch for him, would rep if I could
  11. Kik Giveaway

    Damn was I late? Or can I still enter
  12. kik giveaway

    Dang I was too late on the giveaway but I'm sure FK appreciates