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  1. True Rat

    Account appraisal.

    This is worth $0.00, because selling accounts is against Xbox Code of Conduct. I will report you if you sell this.
  2. True Rat


    RE: Selling Semi OG GT Reporting this Gamertag. Selling Gamertags is against Xbox Code of Conduct.
  3. True Rat

    GTs for sale

    PM me the list, so I can report buy them.
  4. True Rat

    Buying Accs

    I hope you come to your senses and decide to not go through with this. Buying PSNs is against PSN Terms of Service.
  5. True Rat

    Get this tag out of my life

    I am reporting this Gamertag as we speak. You should know that selling accounts is against Xbox Code of Conduct.
  6. True Rat


    If you receive or create a vulgar Gamertag I will report it. Good luck.
  7. True Rat

    Vulgar Tags that will 100% Be banned Don't Buy

    Yes, you are right. All of these tags will be banned, mainly because I have made a list of reset vulgar tags and sent them to Microsoft. Hopefully Microsoft will act quickly and ban these inappropriate usernames again.
  8. True Rat

    Selling cool OG gamertag

    Reported this tag. Selling Gamertags is against Xbox Code of Conduct.
  9. True Rat

    Info about all FNC'd tags

    Of course they will, because I have compiled a list of ones I've seen posted on these forums as well as ones I've noticed being created, and I sent this list to Microsoft for them to solve this issue.
  10. True Rat

    Spaced gamertag for sale.

    I would never purchase an Xbox account because it is against Xbox Live's Code of Conduct. You should respect the rules, otherwise it is your own fault for taking the risk when you know the consequences.
  11. True Rat

    PSN Gore

    @notStun @GDK No need to argue it doesn't matter who owns these, because I have reported these accounts with evidence of them being sold.
  12. True Rat

    Quick IG sale. (cool alias)

    Selling accounts is against Instagram's Terms of Use, so I have reported you and your account.
  13. True Rat

    Spaced gamertag for sale.

    Selling gamertags is against Code of Conduct and you have been reported.
  14. True Rat

    PSN Gore

    Thanks for posting this with no censoring, makes my job a whole lot easier. You have been reported to PSN.
  15. True Rat


    Tell me the PSN so I can report it... EDIT: Appraise it*
  16. True Rat

    Fuck Turboers.

    Serves you right. The sale of any Xbox Live account is a violation of Xbox Code of Conduct. Respect the rules next time.
  17. True Rat

    LF OG IG @

    If you go through with this, you should expect a report from me. Buying and selling accounts is against Instagram's Terms of Use.
  18. True Rat

    Quick Sale IGs

    Selling accounts is against Instagram's Terms of Use and I have reported you.
  19. True Rat

    Lvl 100 Plat

    Selling accounts violates PSN's Terms of Service. I took it upon myself to make sure Sony was aware of what you are trying to do.
  20. True Rat

    IG For GT

    Hmm... Trying to break the Terms of Use on two different services is not a smart thing to do. Someone might report you.