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  1. SICK Banned OG. CHEAP AF!

    RE: 2 SICK Banned OGs. CHEAP BUNDLE! #Pricedrop ill buy Cambodia for 10
  2. closed for now

    Okay i warned you plus you cant rip so Just Stop while your ahead ha.
  3. closed for now

    Yea rite kid im only friends with people i knew back then since Cod4 kid You think ur oG just becuz you bought that tag. what a shame your parents must feel bad for you sitting in your room all day on the Dashboard or FK haha Get a Life then come talk to me. Oh yea Btw i Can get you Banned...
  4. closed for now

    He's a SCAMER his gt on Xbox is t o w n and he sold Glimpse to some guy and he called it back to make sure nobody would have it accept him only. Dont believe me Farewell.
  5. Buying Banned Tags Only

    RE: Buying Band Tags Only sorry ill fix it edit. Band if i say that you guys know what im sayin retards
  6. Buying Banned Tags Only

    Have 12$ exactly in PayPal lookin to buy Surfs or Cambodia. Or any others that are good out there Only spending this amount. If you guys pm about more than 50$ or anything crazy There BANNED Aim: [email protected]
  7. sold.

    RE: Gamertag: Alre*dy I heard this tag was band?
  8. Selling Sexy a** tag LOOK HURRY!

    Hey guys im sellin today some sexy tags so here we go First tag:Catechisms Bin:N/A Bid:N/A 2nd tag was Classified but someone took it 3rd tag is Waterboat like i said before offer or pm me. Msg me on aim:[email protected] I will have more sexy tags on the way Let...
  9. Hey guys sellin a Scientific Gt Something with Chemicals

    the gt is NaCloH its a type of Chloride pretty dope.. If you want proof ill send FR or just add me Bin:N/A Bid:N/A
  10. Trading these tags

    i could sell you it to you TJ if you really want it
  11. Trading these tags

    I have the gamertags Waterboa* and Adamsit* hmu if any1 wants to trade don't care any mo ohh and maybe lookin to buy a tag nice one two
  12. Sellin the oG Waterboa* msg if interested

    Thanks for tellin me brro your helpful i know i went overboard with the price
  13. Sellin the oG Waterboa* msg if interested

    lookin to get 20 - 40$ but yeah if you want proof just put your gamertag under and ill send you a FR
  14. Selling a New gt that i got its pretty sick Hurry Come

    The tag is Adamsite evrybody
  15. Got 3 Sexy a** tags Come and look

    For those of you wanting to know my rest Msg me on aim
  16. Got 3 Sexy a** tags Come and look

    first idgaf my tags are Adamsit* Wat*rboa* and Multiplets and Appendicle and others for Msg me on aim. Spanish i will reply soon as i have time.

    i HAVE THE THE 2 TAGS Ada*si*e and W*terb*at umm for those of you wanting to aim me my aim is Spanish and let me know what you guys think of the tag thx bye.
  18. Selling a New gt that i got its pretty sick Hurry Come

    This is a Pretty sick tag in mind.
  19. Selling a New gt that i got its pretty sick Hurry Come

    The Gt is Ad*m*i*e it has to do with yellow tear gas from mw2 msg me on aim @Spanish or pm here thx bye.
  20. Very Good Semi OG

    If anyone is interested in Trading, my Sexy ass OG for anything or at least 10k dub but PM me or send me a msg on Aim.@Spanish Well make a Deal.