Search results

  1. few stats and kiks! need @

    Hello I have a few stats and kiks. I only have $5 but I would buy a kik. @lmaofood_ 56k @_itscloutboy 10k @lollew1 11k kiks- Heaters Tump hmu in pm with trades. Ill sell each stat for $25. Hopefully I get to deal with someone.
  2. Slots Shop

    kik me back? I was playing zombies lol
  3. NEED IG , trading stats

    kid wtf are you talking about? I got the 56k from a kid named chanze. Also im not a multi . You are. Your last fk was - @Gases Gtfo skid.
  4. NEED IG , trading stats

    Jacked? No way. I bought all of these from my boy. Hmu on kik man. Kik- tump
  5. NEED IG , trading stats

    Hello I have 3 stats for trade . I really need a new IG . I have a 56k , 10k , and 12k users- 56k- @babycloutup 1.3k+ likes 10k- @_itsgage 200-300 likes 12k- @Lollew1 1.1k+ likes also I have two kiks kik- Heaters Tump Hmu with trades!
  6. Stat IG , kik and IG . Updated!

    which one sir? The 56k? Lmk man [hr] the 56k ig is now @babycloutup I also have a 12k , 10k
  7. Slots Shop

    oh yeah there real followers . Lol
  8. Slots Shop

    10k gets 100-250 likes., 12k gets 1k+ likes . 56k gets 1.3k+ likes.
  9. Slots Shop

    hello I have a small shop. I really need new IG, I have stats and kiks hmu with trades? Ig) @_itsgage (10k) @lollew1 (12k) @babycloutup (56k) kik- Tump Heaters Hmu, hope to deal with some of you! Also looking for new kik.
  10. Hello

    kik me ? My kik- tump have to talk to you
  11. Hello

    oh you will see me around . Kik me? Kik- tump
  12. Hello

    hello I'm @Slot . My name is Chris . I'm here on fk to do mostly deals with social mediums . I buy/trade IGs, kiks , and stat IGs. Hopefully I get thru good on this site. I'm new to forums. All forums. Hopefully I can deal with some of you guys.
  13. Stat IG , kik and IG . Updated!

    RE: Stat IG , kik and IG Thanks man. and I will. Just hmu on kik .
  14. Stat IG , kik and IG . Updated!

    RE: Stat IG , kik and IG Sure will do. Hmu on kik messanger? Kik- tump
  15. Stat IG , kik and IG . Updated!

    RE: Stat IG , kik and IG Thanks man. I was scammed for my good kik offsite so I decided to join forums. Hopefully I could start getting into this more and ill start buying and getting more stuff.
  16. Stat IG , kik and IG . Updated!

    Instagram: @preparing (sold) Stat instagram: @_itsschristian 56k 1k+ likes kik- tump...

    Pm me the user please . I'm interested.
  18. Selling Two Kiks

    nice list man. Lol your bannd . multi I guess
  19. 2 Number IG

    ill offer u $200 BTC let me know in pm man.
  20. OG Stoner IG.

    Yes sir. $180 BTC . Also Kik me please . kik- tump