Search results

  1. Auto Sorceress Garden Pro

    Mind sharing it with me ?:D
  2. Giving Away any Auth

    Omg im a new fag i won't get them all can i just get 1 please!?
  3. RS Bot Troubles ? Look Here

    That doesn't even make sense and i have money i just don't have a bank account since im not old enough to get 1 so please stfu.
  4. How many of your Auths got banned today?

    I lost about 7 but who cares while rsbuddy is still free :)
  5. [REQ] kMiner Auth

    I need one too i know i look like a leecher asking but please i need it :/ thanks :D.
  6. How many hours should I bot?

    Bot about 8 hours on 1 account and then make a noobie 1 and start making money on that 1 over night.
  7. Free auths for everyone who can't join

    Username:Brianop What is the meaning of life (lol question :laugh: ):Runescape Auth code you desire (One auth per person, don't be stupid.):AUTORC. thanks man :D. nvm man i don't have 50 posts anyways ty for your time
  8. What's the Longest Proggy you've gotten? [For Botters]

    16 Hours mining coal yeah kminer ftw ^^
  9. How to not get Banned Botting

    Most of this is common sense.. But anyways there may be some people who don't know what they're doing:p.
  10. AutoFighterPro Giveaway!

    I see what you did there...
  11. [First post] Few Auths for you guys.

    Thanks for the agility bot lol.:P.
  12. [FREE] Dungeoneering, WCing, Hunter, Druid AUTH

    Thanks a lot :P will get 99 hunter with this.
  13. Powerbot is infected! 2/2/2011

    IT WASN'T Arbiter it was ghost damn it anyways that son of a mom hacked me like 100 m
  14. Compiling a safe rsbots(powerbot client) and scripting

    Autosorc garden :) have it on rsbot but i don't want to use since i got hacked yesterday gf 100 m :(
  15. AutoFighterPro Giveaway!

    Can i get it please? :D thanks.