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  1. Vester

    is anyone giving a free og Instagram @ away ?

    Vouch, just gave him a 1 letter for free.
  2. Vester

    is anyone giving a free og Instagram @ away ?

    I have a 1 letter hmu I'll give it away.
  3. Vester

    2 Letter OG

    This is not OG and I doubt you'll get $175 for it, but GLWS.
  4. Vester

    Who owns

    He still owns it? Last I heard it got passed around to a couple of other people after him and then it got banned. Not sure if that's true though.
  5. Vester


    If it's a random 3 letter I could see it going for a MAX of $30.
  6. Vester

    Who owns

    Since when did I have to be a member on FK to have knowledge of tags? What posts are you referring to? That question was kind of pointless because if I was a multi I wouldn't tell you.
  7. Vester

    Who owns

    S W A T I heard this is banned now. Is it? Even if it's banned I'm still interested in buying it, so if you know who has it please contact me.
  8. Vester

    GT: *ntenn*

    I'd say it was worth it because he's going to get more for all of that than he would have for x*z.
  9. Vester


    I like your name. Have you heard this?
  10. Vester

    Is Cyberbullying real?

    The person being 'bullied' has a choice if they want the other person's words to hurt them.
  11. Vester

    Looking for specific tag

    He is not going to sell you this tag. Sorry.
  12. Vester

    Selling my OG Gamertag

    Lol he said he was trusted on sythe lol I'm weak
  13. Vester

    3 char gt Cheap!

    I hope you know how to get the parent email off because if you don't then you aren't going to profit from this at all.
  14. Vester

    Selling my OG Gamertag

    This is a pretty cool tag. I might hit you up on AIM soon.
  15. Vester

    2 Number instagram

    You could probably get around $120.00 for this.
  16. Vester

    Trading 4 Tags for others

    DWC this is GWK/Simon the scammer. I wouldn't recommend dealing with him.
  17. Vester

    Do gamertags still get FNC'd?

    I remember someone posted that method on the other site and it involved getting your main FNC'd and then you can turbo your tag with your main when you swap so it lowers the risk of you getting turboed. I tried that and they changed my name to something gay like Harryfurrball1201 or something...
  18. Vester

    Need suggestions..

    TriadFK come on bro be like all the cool kids.
  19. Vester

    Tenure appraisals.

    I only see 5+ being worth anything.
  20. Vester

    800 Rep

    Congrats on 800 rep man. I'm sure you deserve it.