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  1. PSN Gore

    hes a fucking idiot thats all those are my accs he is pretending to sell lol
  2. OG Tour (PSN)

    i am selling my Og Tour acc for $200 min serious buyers ONLY thanks
  3. OG Tour (PSN)

    i am selling my OG Tour acc for $200 hmu
  4. Looking to buy OG kiks

    and i am assuming its Strangle just like you wrote [hr] right................ lmao
  5. Looking to buy OG kiks

    im down lets do it whats your kik
  6. Looking to buy OG kiks

    how much are we talking for Strangle ?
  7. Loud Social Media Shop

    Interested in bars Pm your kik amigo
  8. Looking to buy OG kiks

    i am looking to buy an OG kik but must be a VERY good looking one that pleases the eyes :)
  9. Closed

    RE: OG Kik hit me up i am interested in Pull
  10. PSN Gore

    you ready to look stupid amigo? honestly do u want me to expose u ?
  11. PSN Gore

    do you seriously want me to embarrass you ?
  12. PSN Gore

    I Apologize for this guy trying to sell my accs and i am sorry u have gotten scammed Gore and Blame are MY accs and def. NOT for sale [hr] yeah bruh i do have proof those accs belong to me
  13. PSN Gore

    You are trying to jack my accs ? Gore and Blame are my accs and are NOT for sale