Search results

  1. GT:Marathons

    OMG marathons, GLWS Buddie (:
  2. Call of Duty Whats Your Favorite COD?

    RE: Whats your favorite call of duty? I love Cod 4 thats the best! :D
  3. Im

    Hi Bestfriend lol :D
  4. ✿Tropical's✿ GAMERTAG SHOP™

    RE: Party's Gamertag Shop (Updated) GLWS Yolo ;D PM also I need to tell ya something.
  5. GT- Impulse

    Its a jacked account. I wouldnt buy it ;P
  6. Party = YOLO

    I already knew that before LOL. But have you heard the song The Motto? YOLO was in it lol. I thought you wouldve known my bad.
  7. Party = YOLO

    You really didnt know that? :D
  8. Party = YOLO

    Sorry.. Yolo- ill try to get on xbox soon.
  9. Am I the only girl on this site?

    i hate when people do that too..
  10. Am I the only girl on this site?

    Wow, seeking attention whore? Really? Plus I'm not seeking attention.. That was the first thing I typed in. And I'm just answering your post. If you don't believe me okay then. Just pointing out your not the only girl.
  11. Am I the only girl on this site?

    Emma! Your not the only girl (:
  12. Real oGs.

    Hey I want Skrillrex? Lol.. Stupid.