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  1. Farwell!

    I shared Gang with my friend Riley. I never talked shit really lol @Cole i dont even know you but your cocky af for no reason at all
  2. GT: flow (Jacked by TeamHype) <3

    @Dicate weren't you the kid who would ask me and splashy for help taking, AND you would tell me what comcast you would go for and I would beat you to it. Weren't you the kid always asking me for dox's and shit? You got Juvi's dox because Jester CONGRATS BRO! You only leaked it NOBODY GIVES A...
  3. Farwell!

    As most of you know this is "Ricky, Wolverine, Booty, Gang" wtf ever you guys want to call me. To be honest I don't even know how I ain't banned yet lol. Just wanted to say I am done with the whole xbox scene and the jacking and shit. I am done with forums, AIM, I DON'T HAVE A TAG OR XBOX and...
  4. Max39295's Banned Tag Swap Service

    Your full of shit and this service sucks my left testie. You have never did a tag yet and you can't lift a ban so stfu. Have a good day sir :)
  5. Banned Gamertags

    If your tag can be "unbanned" why dont you do it lol
  6. Banned tags.

    Nice banned semi, should get like $0.05 GLWS
  7. If your looking for a GT post here! (Read Discription)

    I sold rage for $80 banned. Some scammer has it now. I do not think you will be getting your hands on it lol. @OP, looking to get the gt (God) maybe you can help me out on this one. I can't seem to find it and I looked for the spaced versions and everything, no luck... And I can't make it for...
  8. Secret tags.

    Junior hmu on aim bro I just got another tag. I think you will like this one ;)
  9. Selling nice oG!

    I mean $350 is the BIN id take like $250-$275
  10. Selling nice oG!

    I dont have to look it up I know how to spell it I was just saying if people think it's spelt wrong go look it up
  11. Selling nice oG!

    Still selling this its spelled correctly so please don't flame. Hmu guys :)
  12. Who Owns

    I was in the skype call when he got the reset to (Pirate) so I think i was the 1st to know being that I helped him lol...
  13. Selling nice oG!

    I would say never mind also, you are just making yourself look bad.
  14. Selling nice oG!

    Lmfao like who the fuck does that kid think he is, and technically it is oG and is spelled correctly. Its just a mythical person/creature. So idk why he is talking shit when his tag is probably like xxN0oBxxS1ay3rx
  15. Selling nice oG!

    are you on drugs sir?
  16. GT: Factory $450

    I know the kid who owns Factory I DdOs him before lol. He is a cocky little fuck. OP, $450 for this tag, come on man. Its worth like $35
  17. $1000 on a GT

    Oh goodjob sir, you definitely got him there! Thumbs up to you!
  18. Rage

    Yeah I had the tag I sold it awhile back for $90 BANNED. Its still banned and always will be banned lol. And I don't think "I'm the shit" I just tell it how it is and if you try to lie and shit I will call you out on it, plain and simple... And yeah so what I have nice tags lol, not a big deal...
  19. Selling nice oG!

    Still for sale, bid is at $50 I obviously want more though lol....
  20. Anyone Have these? (Based, Based God, Ghost)

    You won't get a hold of Based. One of my best friends owns that. He won't sell and if he did it will be a lot. Yes the owner of it is (Time)