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    RE: Selling 3char. I'll offer 65$ on this!!!!2525
  2. Selling advanced warfare tag!

    Selling the tag Exoab*lity. The main part of advanced warfare. PP only. Do deal on site.  H/o: Bin: 40.
  3. Looking for OG/3char twitter

    BUMP still looking for a dope one or maybe an IG hmu my kik is B_aseball!
  4. Instagram + Email

    I'll buy the IG if it's still for sale!
  5. Looking for OG/3char twitter

    @joy No but thank you! GLWS2020
  6. Looking for OG/3char twitter

    Looking for an OG or 3 character twitter no price range really if I like it I'll Take it!
  7. 250+ Paypal

    Migogang!! ive been trying to get Takeoff for a long time but the guy is a known scammer :/
  8. Looking for an OG or 3char

    Looking for a 3 character/letter or Decent OG since the market has been dry af lately. Kik :b_aseball lype is: blueinthecut Someone help me find a tag
  9. 2 letter or 2 char

    I saw where armyneverdies scammed someone in the scammers bay section be cautious doing deals with him, GL finding your tag
  10. Looking for 3 char.

    Bump still looking help me find a 3char
  11. Advanced warfare GT

    Selling or trading the GT - Ex*ability BIN= 30$ will do deal on site. Add my skype :blueinthecut for further details
  12. Advanced Warfare GT

    How much would the gt "Exoability" be be worth ?
  13. Looking for 3 char.

    Looking for a 3 character GT will do deal on site but my skype is : blueinthecut also looking for Migos or Baseballs thank you.
  14. Bronco's Semi Shop!

    What's your skype I am interested in boost jump
  15. Little shop!

    Is the last one still for sale ?
  16. Advanced Warfare GTs

    @shock I did we can deal on site message me back please
  17. Advanced Warfare GTs

    @shock hmu on Skype: blueinthecut I want to make a deal
  18. will buy gamertag

    @sparda I'm also interested in the tag if you haven't sold it skype me : blueinthecut
  19. Advanced Warfare GTs

    Do still have any of these ? If so which ones ?
  20. Looking for semis

    I'm looking for semi/crappy tAgs you have just only gonna spend 20$