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  1. Particles

    Nintendo Switch Lite Giveaway!

    Entry 3 because man needs animal crossing in his life
  2. Particles

    Updated setup after moving!

    thanks man! I do want a different desk to be honest but this'll do for now!
  3. Particles

    Nintendo Switch Lite Giveaway!

    2nd entry because man needs animal crossing in his life
  4. Particles

    Updated setup after moving!

    i recommend investing. i wake up in the morning, look to my right, see this baby in the corner and my pp twitches a lil
  5. Particles

    username change eevee -> Particles

    not a clue mate, i'm too boomer now to think of a good alias
  6. Particles

    username change eevee -> Particles

    it was spaced
  7. Particles

    username change eevee -> Particles

    No longer own the pokemon tag so, new temp name! Not sure if right subforum but PepoDance
  8. Particles

    Updated setup after moving!

    Tried it a few years ago but I suck Definitely! Waiting on my company to close the shops so I can play Warzone 39 hours a day FeelsAmazingMan I’m down to play whenever! If I’m on Discord then I’m definitely in front of my PC lol thanks man! here’s my full part list: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X...
  9. Particles

    Updated setup after moving!

    Mrs broke up with me so I moved out into my friends house and got a new desk. Thought I’d treat the sites archives to a picture of my baby <3
  10. Particles

    Nintendo Switch Lite Giveaway!

    Entry 1 because man needs animal crossing in his life
  11. Particles

    Chill #2020

    Home is wherever you are bro @Chill Welcome back
  12. Particles

    After Holidays?

    Just a shit load of rain in the UK. No snow where I am! Got a promotion before Christmas though which I’m chuffed with. Need to get myself motivated and in the gym to shift some weight from my thicc ass self. congrats on the job and gym routine!
  13. Particles

    ya boy got his PC now

    Added ya!
  14. Particles

    ya boy got his PC now

    Yeah mate I agree, it's SO satisfying. I just hate that feeling at the back of your mind the whole time. The "will it boot or nah" doubts in your head. I've never once let it affect me when building PC's for friends or family but when it's your own and you want to have it up and running as soon...
  15. Particles

    ya boy got his PC now

    Would say it was fun to build, but it wasn't. I was nervous the whole time and praying to god that it would post and boot to the BIOS monkaS But it did so we all gud. Parts list if anyone is interested; PCPartPicker Part List: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 3.6...
  16. Particles

    Selling Spaced 1st Gen Pokémon tag w/ a handful of games

    Bump, someone buy dis
  17. Particles

    Selling Odd Future GT

  18. Particles

    Selling Spaced 1st Gen Pokémon tag w/ a handful of games

    Sold and closed.