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  1. Rotten

    Free Twitter

    okay you didnt even read the thread lmaoo [hr] LMAO I KNOW I WANT TO BURN THIS @ MAN
  2. Rotten


    i raise you to $11.51 my man @Clear
  3. Rotten

    Need highly trusted mm for expensive deal.

    i feel @Fear is a good choice for me, thanks for the input though man
  4. Rotten

    Need highly trusted mm for expensive deal.

    Title says it all, under 1k rep don't even think about it. @Fear @Monster if you're down to do this hmu
  5. Rotten


    RE: 3CHAR ha^ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
  6. Rotten


    I'll outbid him for the second tag^ I'll buy it for $11 paypal or $15 itunes
  7. Rotten

    105k Twitter

    @RottenFK Not even gonna bother puting the audit in here, it's pretty inactive already and it's like 95k bots.. Anyways, HMU about this as some might still want it
  8. Rotten

    Seeking Upgrade

    was wondering if anyone has purchased an upgrade recently and had the buy one get one free option still, and if they'd spare that with me?
  9. Rotten

    Available @

    yeah i know it's misspelled it was claimed like 30secs after i posted this lol
  10. Rotten

    Free Twitter

    pm me if you want it, i doubt I'll get any PM's lol.. if i get more than one PM I'll probably choose highest upgraded member :p: and the crappy @ is: @PolyFiber hahahahaha
  11. Rotten

    Available @

    well if it was good id keep it for myself haha I'll do a contest in a few minutes
  12. Rotten

    Available @

    just popped up on my checker & i hope doin giveaways will get me more friends HAHA enjoy your new @ whoever claims: @Serveys
  13. Rotten

    Semi IG

    lol nice gravedigging ninooooooooooooo
  14. Rotten

    Dominic's Nice Shop!

    here I'll edit my post haha, i was just saying though.. I did it as a quick sale lol it's just about worth what he's asking
  15. Rotten

    Dominic's Nice Shop!

    lol I've had both those @'s before glws i sold both for like 15-20 though not trying to sales trash
  16. Rotten

    Buying ( $136+ )

    I prefer @rexy or @towel , but @monster might be a good mm to try, I've never used him before though. Feel free to tell me your kik
  17. Rotten

    Buying ( $136+ )

    uh yeah i have a kik, I doubt you'd have anything i like though.. what's your kik
  18. Rotten

    Buying emails

    @fedoras is the email God, I'm surprised to see nobody has tagged him yet. i plan on buying from him in a few minutes.
  19. Rotten

    Buying ( $136+ )

    I posted in the buyers market as that seemed the obvious thing to do. That section seems to be less active. If posting this here is not allowed please feel free to close this tread and/or move it. I'm buying anything that catches my eye. Most interests include; 2chars ( any media ) tumblrs...
  20. Rotten

    15 Free RTs/FAVs on Twitter

    is this service still available? and also can i ask you a few questions over pm