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  1. Color


    I saw this too. Lmao. Cringey ass kids.... Rep is so damn useless.
  2. Color


    You think I don't know that?  Trust me, I'm not stupid.  However, I'm also not a bitch.  You can't dwell on shit, nothing good comes of it.  You have to keep moving forward and realize it's not the end of the world.
  3. Color

    Selling 2 oG Tags

    Lol.  Pathetic ass kids.  I hooked Cam up with the best tag here for less than that.
  4. Color

    Selling 2 oG Tags

    Anyone that pays $800 for a tag right now is a fucking retard. Good luck, nonetheless, I suppose.
  5. Color

    Going to the Logic & G-Eazy concert tommorow!

    I was there last night. Good as fuck. Fortunately ran a little late and just missed YG, although I did have to watch Yo Gotti....  Lol.
  6. Color


    Don't let females get to you. They come and go. It sucks, but don't let goofy shit like that put you down... Pfft...
  7. Color

    Tumblr: Luci***

    But...  It's a tumblr.  Sick, nonetheless.  Good luck.
  8. Color

    Gamertag Appraisal

    He didn't post asking for useless posts that AREN'T appraisals either, buddy.  Therefore, his post was more useful than yours.  Hmm... I'd say $125-150 or so.  It's pretty ugly, if I'm honest.
  9. Color

    [Poll] Investor's Font Change

    We'll see.  I'll consider it.  I would be interested to see how everyone else feels, though.  Although we do have an overwhelming amount of antisocial preteens plaguing the forum at this point, so you never know. gg
  10. Color

    [Poll] Investor's Font Change

    You're not some type of official figure or some shit.  Stop playing boy.  Put my recommendation up there.  "All fonts look childish, remove all.". Let's see which gets the most votes..  Thx
  11. Color

    [Poll] Investor's Font Change

    I'm saying in general.  The custom fonts look unprofessional, laughable.  Changing them won't change that.  Lol.
  12. Color

    [Poll] Investor's Font Change

    That would be silly.  Why would I send them to you...  To send to Philly?  If I wanted to get something to him, I'd send it myself....? CBA to look any up myself.  Just something that doesn't look like a 10 year old chose it, please.  Aka put it back to the regular font and call it a day...
  13. Color

    [Poll] Investor's Font Change

    Holy fuck, all of these are atrocious to be truthful. Way overkill.
  14. Color


    Just chilling, working, and building back up my skateboarding since I fucked my knee. Nothing too crazy, although I do leave for Florida in a couple weeks.
  15. Color

    3 character gamertag

    I'll give you $1.50 for this??
  16. Color


    Grats Sec7r the god. Been a good run. @tequila fuck off faggitaboutit.
  17. Color

    Official Harmony Group Information!

    Is there really a need for a preference?
  18. Color


    I clearly would never fit into this group.  All I do is talk shit.  Lol.
  19. Color


    Lmao. "no new members of FK" and you're straight out the womb my boy. I'm dead.
  20. Color

    Official Harmony Group Information!

    We all know I'm the biggest faggot to ever grace this forum with my presence, so you can fuck right off if you're just going to come at me with stupid questions.