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  1. Beats

    جميل [Updated Group Info]

    Does your groups name mean Jihad or something? Just wondering.
  2. Beats

    Userbar broken?

    The group is the reason I am not on anymore. But message me now that I am online.
  3. Beats


    He might mean that the Supporter perks only work if you have Supporter as your display group. Meaning you have to be wearing the Supporter userbar to avoid advertisements. Something similar to that used to happen to me back when Supporter first came out but I am not sure about now. 
  4. Beats

    I have og to sell

    Where is @Jason I miss that wanker.
  5. Beats

    I have og to sell

    Thanks where do I find them on this website
  6. Beats

    I have og to sell

    Hi welcome to FK I'm selling xbox live accounts
  7. Beats

    my opinion of you.

    What you think of me Panda swags?
  8. Beats

    New to Vaping

    Sell it and buy an Aspire Atlanis V1 or V2 and also purchase a higher watt device such as IPV Mini 2 which goes up to 70. GL
  9. Beats

    Chase or TD Bank?

    Also, my TD Bank and Chase are right next to each other and the Citibank is quite close also. You might live in my area lol.
  10. Beats

    Chase or TD Bank?

    I have TD and it's an amazing bank. They have the best hours and they are growing across the nation. Chase seems to have high fees since they are more of a wealthy bank. More for rich people.
  11. Beats

    Selling Group (Eminence)

    Sorry about that. You should be able to PM me now. 
  12. Beats

    Selling Group (Eminence)

    You made me chuckle dude. You should use that line to get a deal everytime.  [hr] PM me to speak further about this. I am willing to make you a deal. 
  13. Beats

    Selling Group (Eminence)

    Yeah, PM me quick for my username before I get off again. 
  14. Beats

    Selling Group (Eminence)

    He does when you pay the transfer fee. Though, I don't think I can accept Paypal or BTC. I might be able to work around that so we'll see. 
  15. Beats

    Selling Group (Eminence)

    My group is still up for sale. PM me with questions.
  16. Beats

    Name one memeber you would wanna spend all day with

    I am sorry. But... Who are you young blood?
  17. Beats

    Maximum | 200+ Rep | 300 Posts | 1 Year | 1st Group!

    Thanks for the shout-out though I forgot who you are. My bad. I've been gone for too long
  18. Beats


    File a Scam Report here. If he doesn't respond to the report, he will be banned. 
  19. Beats

    Jordanian Pilot Burned Alive

    I'm skeptical as to who made this video. It appears to be professionally made. Including the video effects and the camera angles. I don't believe ISIS really made that video. Though, you never know.
  20. Beats

    Second year on FK!

    First on the shoutout list fuck yeah. Congrats Darnell <3