Search results

  1. GT: Wiffling

    goooood baaaaad whaaaaaattt.. basically means wiffle ball
  2. GT : F I a m l n g o

    goood baaadddd what????????
  3. Hey guys

    why is d e s k t o p dumb... its a sweet spaced out gt
  4. Hey guys

    which gt is cooler. EXMF D esktop D e s k t o p
  5. GT: S u b s t a n

    do u like it or no ???????????????
  6. Buying these types of GT's

    Either spaced out ones... EX: C O L O R Spaced out first letter... EX: F arm 3 letters... EX: D6Y Please post or pm me.
  7. ████ GT: Generals [GREAT MAIN] ████

    my bid 1600 and 3 ttags... pm me
  8. Who can jack? (JW)

    ur pic in ur sig is HOT AF
  9. Any Clean/Short Char Twitters?

    I have thew gt m18s its a smoke grendade so its a semi og
  10. How much would this acc be worth

    GT: EXMF 2 Year tenure MW2 all unlocked 9 months left of live lvl 80 no prestiege on mw3 All unlocked on COD 4 Same with WAW Trailer park map pack
  11. Put up your "BEST" gamertag.

    RE: Put up your gamertag. EXFM E very X box M other F uuucker
  12. Selling GT M18s

    it said uploading failed... ?????
  13. Selling GT M18s

    but im on my ipod can u do it that way
  14. >>> Looking For A Tag <<<

    hey bro i got 4000 msp would u sell any for that
  15. Selling GT M18s

    im on my ipod touch tho how do i do it
  16. Selling GT M18s

    it is the main smoke grenade in MW2. Ill add you for proof bc idk how to post it.
  17. Selling GT Jalapenoe

    yeah i forgot to put the "E" at the end
  18. Selling GT Jalapenoe

    How do i get a screenshot
  19. Selling GT Jalapenoe

    I will add you for proof. Only want MSP or XBL cards
  20. Amazing cod Main!

    heres my offer. 1600 Track hurdles Trade Deadlines and a 4 letter