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  1. GT: Athletics | On Main

    And Panda has been exposed as a scam artist. Nothing to see here folk.
  2. scammed

    That's funny. Fear got all butt hurt after I called Panda out for selling a banned tag. Sorry you got scammed OP.
  3. Real OG BIN: $250.00 THIS IS A STEAL

    Um..... he said he wont PM the tag.
  4. GT: Athletics | On Main

    So are you going to show the account signed into a console or not?
  5. GT: Athletics | On Main

    Real Proof? We are all waiting.
  6. GT: Athletics | On Main

    So where is the picture of you signed into the account on a 360? Scam.
  7. GT: Athletics | On Main

    Log in on a 360 and take a picture. You can still log into banned accounts on I smell scam.