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  1. Close

    RE: $50 for it ill buy for $60 just lemme know my dude.
  2. Some OG Tags.

    You sound a little upset there buddy
  3. Some OG Tags.

    ONLY message me on kik. This aren't exact prices [ offers/bids ] Ampl*fier - $140 ( Main account with a bunch of live and CoD Stats ) T*letubbie - $75 F*ur W*eeler - $55
  4. State tag, awesome 7 letter.

    RE: State tag, awesome 7 letter, Weekend sale! ill offer more $$ if i can see proof of this gamertag. [hr] i can go up to $260 for TN. i just wanna see proof of this GT just let me know
  5. State tag, awesome 7 letter.

    RE: State tag, awesome 7 letter, Weekend sale! ill put $230 for TN and throw in a OG GT
  6. Selling 3 nice GTs.

    Ampl*fier T*letubbie F*ur Wh*eler ONLY message me on kik. im willing to trade tags. I'll message proof and prices over kik Kik: AmplifierOG
  7. Got 3 OG tags for sale.

    i can't send PM's. do you have a kik?
  8. Got 3 OG tags for sale.

    if you want proof i have these tags just message my kik. im interested in trading/selling Ampl*fier T*letubbie F*our Wh*eler kik: AmplifierOG
  9. I got a few gamertags for sale.

    i appreciate that you can tell im new haha
  10. I got a few gamertags for sale.

    if your interested in trading or buying any of these just kik me: Amplifi*r T*letubbie F*ur Wh*eler Kik: AmplifierOG
  11. Selling a few names.

    Kik me if your interest in any of these names. if your interested in buying or trading let me know. F*ur Wh*eler Ampl*fier T*letubbie kik: AmplifierOG