Search results

  1. Selling/Trading My Old Main!

    Hi Guys, Today, I Was trying to sell my Main Account, I Am trying to get Two, Three letter GT's for it, or a Couple of Spaced Ones... I Would REALLY Like it If you have a Spaced Two letter GT, That, I Would only want One Account an Example: " v F " The other Accounts I Would want 2 of: "...
  2. [Buying] banned gamertag.

    I Have "V5B" Ill give you it for 1600?
  3. Buying Halo 3 50?

    I Got a 4 Year Account with a 50 In Slayer? Price?
  4. Anybody have any 3 Letters/ Spaced Tags?

    LOL I Saw your Topic before, I Added you on Xbox, Skype Me? zzirRizz [hr] Skype me them? My Skype: zzirRizz
  5. Anybody have any 3 Letters/ Spaced Tags?

    Hi Guys, I know this is like my 2nd Post, But I'm looking to Trade for a 3 Letter Tag or a Spaced one? Something Like Ex: V5B or T h o r n I Want a NICE Spaced one though...
  6. Looking for a Spaced 2 Letter/3Letter Tag!

    I am trying to find a gamertag like " v H " or " V5B " If anyone can Contact me thru Skype That'd be Great, I Have a VERY Nice Tag I Could give you, Its a Stats Account Also. My Skype: zzirRizz We can use a Middle man if you would Like?(:
  7. Two Tags! Need gone by tonight!

    Can I Have your Skype, Please?
  8. Selling the GT v G.

    How Much Paypal? Etc.....