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  1. OU5

    Nice tag Mario, GLWS! :)
  2. So I added a FNC tag?

    Damn, that's werid thanks for sharing obey:-)
  3. So I added a FNC tag?

    Unfortunately, Key I deleted the request stupidly, I tried adding it back but it just says Gamertag doesn't exist, Its so strange! [hr] EDIT: I got the Hitler tag to add the werid tag here's a screenshot What you guys think?
  4. So I added a FNC tag?

    I was bored so I was just adding random tags, so I decided to add the tag 'Hitler' and ofcourse it was banned and had a FNC but this was diffrent as it added Hitler but the gamertag was 'FNC146787432' it's like xbox store all their force named tags? anybody else come across this? It was a...
  5. Who on earth owns this tag?

    Well this guy is a very lucky employee.
  6. Who on earth owns this tag?

    I know i'm not going to get it, ofcourse i'm not lol! just very curious who has this.
  7. Who on earth owns this tag?

    Who owns the tag 'XBOX' its not a v1 as it's on silver and has a gamerpicture... Anybody knows who has this little fortune?
  8. GT:Alkalise

    Anybody interested? not the best, hit me up
  9. Free Onyx.

    Number 4 Thanks Philly!!!
  10. GT:Nerveless

    Selling the tag Nerveless. 2 year tenture almost. GTA DLC COD STATS: COD4:10TH 55 WAW: 10 65 BLOPS: Level 24 with 110,000 Kills MW3: 1st 70 with 5days of double XP Blops2: Level 55 hmu if intested? PROOF :

    It's not worth turboing lololol.
  12. Who owns this tag?

    So Mythical is perm-banned and you have it?
  13. Massive Black Ops 2 Tags + Other Tags

    Willing to trade 'Nerveless' for Orbital VSAT?
  14. Who owns this tag?

    anybody else help me?????
  15. Who owns this tag?

    Who owns the tag 'Mythical' This is my dream tag and would worth paying alot for it! It's inactive.
  16. GT control - 9 year tenure

    I would not say it is, i'm just disclaiming what COULD happen, i'm sure the account is 100% secure but there's always that possibility that it may happen i'm just giving everybody a heads up. Although, if you've had the tag for a while it's probably secure. glws.
  17. GT control - 9 year tenure

    Anybody who is going to consider buying this tag, make sure you deal with caution because the owner of the tag may call in and get his account back at any time Nevertheless GLWS
  18. Drug related tag.

    I'll post proof now, and yes i'm aware this is probably worth $0.50 but I might aswel put it out there, and yes FAMILY GUY IS AWESOME!
  19. Drug related tag.

    I'm here today to trade my tag 'Start Drugs' I'm aware this is not super og or rare in any format, Just seeing what people offer I will post proof soon
  20. Lowercase

    Sure I saw this boosting on demolition?