Search results

  1. N*Q

    I cannot Personal Message anyone yet. Aim me: Gun.FK
  2. It's Gun

    Hey guys, I didn't "just" join but I never made one of these so I'm making one now. I like to game on all CoDs and Minecraft. I also sell some tags and maybe some other Social Mediums. If you want to talk just PM me and i'll get back to you when I get 10 posts.
  3. N*Q

    Who tf is Kev? This tag has never been sold on the market ever. And how the fuck does a picture of a username and ban reason mean I'm Kev? Are you retarded? The middle letter is NOT a vowel. I can't PM yet until I get 10 post. But PM me your aim if you want to buy and i'll contact you.
  4. KIK: swag

    I'd say it's worth about $25 - $30. I wouldn't pay a penny.
  5. N*Q

    Selling (or trading) this tag right now. It's a 3 letter, not a 3 character. BIN: $35 (or trades) PM me.