Search results

  1. Legit 10 Year Tenure! PROOF

    Nice try dude nobody will believe you unless you have actual proof like a picture.
  2. Legit 10 Year Tenure! PROOF

    You Are Busted...You Are Troll.
  3. Legit 10 Year Tenure! PROOF

    Haha lol, Btw I sent you a msg on live. -Decision
  4. Legit 10 Year Tenure! PROOF

    Alright I guess I could try do you have Aim?
  5. Legit 10 Year Tenure! PROOF

    Why wont you take PayPal? We can use a middleman if you want bro.
  6. Legit 10 Year Tenure! PROOF

    PayPal I will send it as a gift is that cool?
  7. Selling 14 Day Trials for $1.50

    Can any of you tell me it lol :D
  8. Buying 800Msp

    Hit me up on aim [email protected] please..
  9. Legit 10 Year Tenure! PROOF

    alright, I will bid $110.
  10. Closed.

    RE: GT: Envious Night Slasher will bid a 100.
  11. How much is this worth - GS/DLC/ARCADE/STATS/TENURE/GOLD

    Do you have picture that you own it?
  12. Buying a oG Gamertag! [150$ Budget]

    Hit me up on aim if you got something: [email protected] PEACE.
  13. Anyone selling some microsoft points?

    Hit me up please AIM: [email protected]
  14. Post in this thread if blunt has scammed you

    Yeah I never got the acc he just went offline after I payed him and he hasnt refunded it yet so he is a obviously a scammer.
  15. watch out everyone there are people impersonating staff!

    Its true what he says! watch out guys
  16. SOLD ! Please Close.

    RE: Very nice gt this guy is a scammer the account got 1560(G) now if you really do have Bandana I want a recent picture
  17. Buying a 1600msp Card!

    HIT ME UP NOW LOL AIM: [email protected]
  18. Best GT Shop on FK

    He is a scammer he scammed me for 60$ when i tried to buy his Strikers acoount............
  19. BUYING 800 POINTS!

    Hit me up on AIM :[email protected] if you got one?
  20. Best GT Shop on FK

    Where are you Blunt? Hit me up on Aim.