Search results

  1. GT burritos

    Bin has been set to $150 will be using a MM
  2. 200$ to spend

    RE: 175$ to spend Will sell you burritos for $150
  3. Looking for a Final tag. GT burritos
  4. [Buying] a nice OG.

    selling the GT burritos
  5. [BUYING] MUT 13 Coins

    just redbox it for a night :P lmk tho
  6. [BUYING] MUT 13 Coins

    I am currently looking to buy Madden Ultimate Team 13 coins. Haven't really seen many people actually selling them on here, mostly just buying looking to buy them. More than willing to use a MM of course for both parties safety. i am selling the gt burritos @...
  7. GT burritos

    thanks, iv had it for 4+ years and now i need money because im broke :P EDIT: forgot to mention that the gt is gold until 6/12/2013 [hr] looking to sell on Sunday. C/o is $90
  8. GT burritos

    C/o is $90, going to let this ride for a day or so, dont want to sell it too quick.
  9. GT burritos

    thank you my friend, Tyler has been very nice and helpful. Good to see that this site has quality members :P
  10. GT burritos

    AIM is Jimmy90909090 feel free to pm though i am not on aim very often
  11. GT burritos

    "burritos" I have had this GT for about 4 years now. I'm looking to sell it because I just really don't play xbox that much. I am looking to sell to someone who has vouches from previous transactions. Not 100% sure if it matters to anyone but i also through in my COD BO2 S/S to show prestige...