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  1. Introducing...

    dont worry its a compliment it means ur very masculine and tall!
  2. Introducing...

    ? dude im not "bryan" i made fk like 5 minutes ago
  3. Introducing...

    haha u guys are muffins like my dick
  4. ForumKorner Giveaway.

    please leave me alone bro u scare me
  5. ForumKorner Giveaway.

    chill chill chill im just a punjabi prince bro chill
  6. ForumKorner Giveaway.

    what type of music u like? and y u double post ;o
  7. ForumKorner Giveaway.

    im the punjabi prince raheem alsalhaad
  8. ForumKorner Giveaway.

    @kool my life a movie i keep that tulley!!!!!!
  9. Pokemon tags !

    im new to gamertags but they seem like good tads