Search results

  1. BO2 Prestige account?

    RE: BO2 Master Prestige account? @Ballin I know it is man, but people still haven't messaged me about selling me an account. :(
  2. BO2 Prestige account?

    Im looking for a 8th prestige or higher account on black ops 2 for xbox. It must have atleast half of the weapons diamond and a 1.50+ k.d The money Im willing to spend is 25$ Contact info: Skype-ProNavyHD or Via PM on FK :D
  3. League play team?! (Champion Series)

    Alright then lol. How am I gonna show you? :p
  4. League play team?! (Champion Series)

    Just giving you a heads up, I don't want to get master as Solo. I want to get Master in a team. :p
  5. League play team?! (Champion Series)

    I was wondering if anyone has a a champion series league play team? I want to join a team. Im a slayer and a Objective player! I know rush routes, call outs, and much more. ;) If no one has a team and their is other people on here looking for a team, message me or post here and we can make a new...