Search results

  1. 3 Char / $60

    all good dude enjoy the tag ...........................................

    I have $70 to spend i wont go any higher on a tag. Ignore my rep as i have posted some pointless stuff in the past so sorry about that. Skype: x.kami1 Twitter: @xKhami kik: V7Ns
  3. 3 Char / $60

    I'll buy today add my skype x.kami1 [hr] sorry about my rep just posted pointless stuff in the past
  4. Looking for a 3 char

    Willing to spend $70 no higher on a 3 char tag. Sorry about my rep i have posted some worthless stuff. Skype x.kami1 twitter @xKhami
  5. Selling 3 char and GTA 5 tag

    Add me on skype i am interested in the 3 char x.kami1
  6. 3 character

    Add me on skype i will buy x.kami1
  7. PS3 Tag

    because it was made years ago and only one underscore is pretty decent
  8. PS3 Tag

    for all y'all pokemon fans, i got me a rare psn gt P_okemon, og af, reply if interested
  9. StreetFighter GT

    Oh well haha thank you :D                                                                               ..................................................... [hr] Yeah i know :( ..........................................................
  10. StreetFighter GT

    The GT is Gorai Hadoken One of Oni's Hadokens I'll give it for a two day or something small lol
  11. Arcade Gamertags

    The tags are Major Prize Stacker Machine Nothing special at all just want to get them off my hands!
  12. Arcade Gamertags

    Major Prize Stacker Machine Nothing special at all just want to get them off my hands!
  13. Scammed

    damn! all good man :( /////////////////
  14. Scammed

    damn :/ thanks anyways dude! only reason why i dealed offsite was because i was friends with J and he said he was trust worthy :/
  15. Scammed

    Someone help me please! I got scammed a while ago by someone named Josh! He had the gt E9S for trade he is friends with J and he scammed V7N from me. If someone can help me get him back and give me J's new skype because he said he would help me and said i could trust Josh but once i got scammed...
  16. Gamertags

    dude i'm sorry but i have no idea if what i am posting is a bad thing? help me out i'm new! i had the gamertag V7N but Josh scammed it from me
  17. Gamertags

    Nothing special but i just wanna get rid of these tags lPad Games Stacker Machine Hxpn Major Prize Youre Cancer
  18. Three Character

    what is it???????????????????????????????????????????????
  19. Gamertag

    OG 4 Letter gamertag WYU2 = What You Up To? Add me on skype if interested x.kami1