Search results

  1. Closed

    RE: Buying OG No it doesn't because that's not the same gt. Lol you fucking skid.
  2. Closed

    RE: Buying OG Dope. Gl with the struggle.
  3. Closed

    RE: Buying OG Its OK. I've informed him not to deal.
  4. Closed

    RE: Buying OG Struggle. That's very shallow of you.
  5. Closed

    RE: Buying OG I have the gt: Text*d hmu.
  6. buying og name

    I have Claws and C9 pm me(:
  7. Decent semi GT

    Ive actually been looking for rarity. He was a decent friend of mine and dont know were to contact him at.
  8. Decent semi GT

    Rarity went first in the deal he had with hate for an og aim. Hate...being the ass that he is, took it. Jacob(Rarity) doesn't filter his deals he just wants everything to happen immediately.
  9. Decent semi GT

    I know what happened mate. I do believe you got this from label tho.
  10. Decent semi GT

    This was scammed off of rarity by hate. Not sure who this is. But I do wish you luck with sales.