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  1. Marvelous

    I've sent a message to this kik, where we can discuss.

    RE: FUCKING LIT KIK BUNDLE BUY NOW DOPE It's too bad that he forgot to include the fucking lit kik bundle in this thread.
  3. Selling/Trading clean 2char Kik

    Of course I know what I'm talking about. You're cole @6m on Instagram.  I'm quite sure most people know you're known for scamming.

    RE: 4 KIKS BUNDLE! NEED GONE If you're suggesting that I'm linked to Wizard on this site, you're mistaken. I created an account on this website because Chill told me to over kik, so that he could show me a few things. I am Wizard on HF.
  5. gt for ig

    I have an IG worth much more, but if i like the tag, it's yours.
  6. Looking for extremely inactive / botted IG stat

    I'd assume he would be using it to bot stats/revive it.

    RE: 4 KIKS BUNDLE! NEED GONE I'm going to have to strongly disagree on that.
  8. Selling/Trading clean 2char Kik

    A known scammer had recently owned this. He claimed they were his initials, I doubt that this is a legitimate sales thread. The matching gamertag is in the market as well. Don't forget to use a middleman in all deals.
  9. Selling 4 letter GT 5£

    Hopefully you realize nobody on this thread is being serious and the tag is worthless. Everyone's picking on you because you're an easy target. It's pathetic. I'm disappointed to see members acting this way simply because you're not smart when it comes to the marketplace.
  10. SOLD

    RE: Stat tumblr and 2 letter URL I saw your post regarding this on HF. I can personally vouch for the legitimacy of this user.
  11. vulgar gt

    I have sent you a message regarding this gamertag on Kik. Respond when applicable.
  12. vulgar gt

    It would seem as though I cannot send private messages. Can you provide for me a method to contact you?