Search results

  1. Your Opinion On This Song?

    This man's voice is orgasmic. I'd just like to know what others think. inb4 this is nudity and i get b&
  2. Onyx giveaway #15

    Fuck yo i want dis onyx pls dawq i luv u
  3. Twitter: Probe

    I'll buy it for $5 right now. Let me know.
  4. WTB: Kik

    Hi, I'm looking for a nice Kik. I'll be paying via PayPal and if you don't like it, suck my left nut. We can use a middleman. Price Range: $35 Don't offer me shit, this is good considering it's a kik. I'll offer more if it's nice.
  5. Buying anything up to 230$ MP

    How are you still staff? You're a ghost.
  6. Xbox One Game Codes

    I responded to your private message that has nothing to do with this thread. :D
  7. Xbox One Game Codes

    Hi, I'm looking to purchase some Xbox One game codes that can only be redeemed through the Xbox One. I'll pay $25 for each code that is provided. I don't care how they were obtained or anything. I'm mainly looking to purchase Ryse: Son of Rome and Forza 5, but I'll consider any other game...
  8. Onyx giveaway #9

    I should get a few of my friends and make sure you never hit 1000. My point was proven.
  9. Onyx giveaway #9

    He's annoying, stupid, immature, low quality and post boosts on almost ever giveaway thread. Also, I'll need the upgrade for my revenge rep towards him.
  10. I got scared as fuck

    Wow, black scelera contacts. Much scare
  11. Greed' If iv negged you read this.

    You seem like a nice guy looking to be free from this treachery. But, not only did you scam Dura, you scammed Homicide and I'm almost positive I saw a scam report on you on a website that cannot be named.
  12. $500 Paypal giveaway

    By the time that this thread reaches 10 million posts, he'll probably have more than $500 to giveaway. lol
  13. Ban tag for sale.

    His Kik is SwearTheFag. I bought it for like $40 but he gave me $15 back because he said he felt bad for ripping me off. So I paid $30 for it.
  14. Ban tag for sale.

    Well, if you really want to, go ahead. You have my permission. But only if you can get it unbanned. I'd love to see that tag come back, although I'd be jealous.
  15. Ban tag for sale.

    So, you're going to call in a banned gamertag that I own? I bought it three months ago.