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  1. sdk

    $25 SDKs Checker [Working]

    Yea somehow ;). NM just trying to get some money/a job ya feel.
  2. sdk

    $25 SDKs Checker [Working]

    Bumpity Bump Bumperino Bumpity Bump Bumperino
  3. sdk

    Coding Service

    Bumpity Bump Bumperino Bumpity Bump Bumperino
  4. sdk

    $25 SDKs Checker [Working]

    Thanks! Idk I heard something was broken with a few checkers so I made on that I know works.
  5. sdk

    Email Server Bug?

    Are you sending from PHPMail (like mail(args)) cause if you are that almost always goes to spam.
  6. sdk

    Every 50th Poster Gets $5 Amazon UNTIL DEC 1st!!!!! [Official Contest Thread]

    Pretty dope, might as well help this get going.
  7. sdk

    $25 SDKs Checker [Working]

    Ayo, So I just updated one of my checkers to work with the new update EZPZ, it actually has a Blacklist option to try and eradicate the banned ones. GIF of Working: $25 PP/BTC [hr] Poopy Bumpy, :D first person to buy gets it for 10$ :D
  8. sdk

    Coding Service

    Bump! Hit me up with what you need done!
  9. sdk

    [$12.00] Dusk's Instagram Checker | Blacklist | Fast

    Only thing I didn't change was the Icon. I just like to lay shit out that way cause its clean. Completely recoded it.
  10. sdk

    Add Github to "Social Sites".icons

    Theres only really a handful of coders on the site. I'd dig it but it's not really demanding.
  11. sdk

    7 hrs. Sleep in 6 days

    Still a shit ton. I mean good for him that hes grinding it out but its a decent job market not the best or the worst.
  12. sdk

    7 hrs. Sleep in 6 days

    Yea that's if hes a successful student and all that. I mean theres probably millions of people graduating in Law each year fam.
  13. sdk

    7 hrs. Sleep in 6 days

    Study law, it will be fun, no one ever says that. LOL.
  14. sdk

    Coding Service

    Hit me up if you need something done!
  15. sdk

    Coding Service

    Most likely whatever you need. Java Android and Desktop, C# and PHP
  16. sdk

    Few Questions that need some answers

    Hacking a game is by no means easy. I don't even mess with it cause it's that difficult sometimes, I mean sure I can make it work but get banned instantly. There are many youtube guides that show the steps.
  17. sdk

    Coding Service

    Bump, money is always nice. ///////// [hr] Bump! Just made one program for @Honest! HMU!
  18. sdk


    Wtf is this shit. You already know that kid walking through t he airport like kids prob some spoiled kid that flexes his dads money or some shit. Rap game weak af.
  19. sdk

    Any other military here?

    Well 2 weeks ago he wasn't in, so must be new.
  20. sdk

    Any other military here?

    WTF @Yuuki is 17. Not in anything bro. Maybe good with an AWP in CS but not no Chris Kyle IRL