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  1. KoreanHipHop

    Who has these gamertags?

    thank you for all the advice and heads up on gamertags and owners.
  2. KoreanHipHop

    Who has these gamertags?

    Is it because you own it and its not for sale?
  3. KoreanHipHop

    Who has these gamertags?

    Who owns these i saw some on xbox and the others i just want, how much would they be worth? Weed Pure Love White Monster Future Fail True False Negative Positive Fate King Drug
  4. KoreanHipHop

    Buying OG GT $1,000

    It may be illuminati, i think you are correct.
  5. KoreanHipHop

    Buying OG GT $1,000

    im not the illuminati ok thank you very kindly
  6. KoreanHipHop

    Buying OG GT $1,000

    Send me a pm with your gamertags you have to offer me i can pay bitcoin or paypal i have $1,000
  7. KoreanHipHop

    Want OG Club Penguin

    i have the club penguin account oranges.
  8. KoreanHipHop

    [CLOSED] One Spot in VELOCITY

    RE: [Ends: 7:00 PM EST] One Spot in VELOCITY my final bid is $34 thank you kindly
  9. KoreanHipHop


    Yes thats what i am asking, thank you.
  10. KoreanHipHop

    [CLOSED] One Spot in VELOCITY

    RE: [Ends: 7:00 PM EST] One Spot in VELOCITY I will give a bid of $30 on this, thank you.
  11. KoreanHipHop


    RE: IG: Teletubby i will give you $5 paypal for this, thank you.
  12. KoreanHipHop


    this is like kik, i took a cool username how much is it worth?
  13. KoreanHipHop

    [oG] Twitter

    DUDE THIS IS AMAZING i'd give you $30 for it let me know i have paypal.
  14. KoreanHipHop

    [H] $35.00 BTC [W] $42.00 PayPal

    i hope that you can find someone to do this for you
  15. KoreanHipHop

    How do i get started in getting OGs?

    Hes banned tho :( idk what to do.
  16. KoreanHipHop

    How do i get started in getting OGs?

    what is bitcoins and how do i get them?
  17. KoreanHipHop

    How do i get started in getting OGs?

    thank you for the help that you two provided to me.
  18. KoreanHipHop

    Hello i am KoreanHipHop

    I appreciate you being so kind, everyone is so nice already.
  19. KoreanHipHop

    Hello i am KoreanHipHop

    I hope i can become one of those rich users.
  20. KoreanHipHop

    Cool Facebook Availible

    It says its taken :( this is sad.