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  1. OG Gamertag

  2. Another Question

    would you guys consider Tbxg OG? i might buy it
  3. question

    i know!!! i want Tbag so much it would be so sick
  4. question

    when i go to message the GT: Tbag it comes up as doesnt exitst on xbox live but when i want to switch my GT to it it says its taken.....why?
  5. OG Gamertag

    what is the gt? and not at the moment
  6. OG Gamertag

    Will Trade for 4 letter GT or Black ops 2 Tag for: Fohtus (halo 4 custom armor when you get halo 4 xbox or collectors edition)
  7. In need of an OG Gamertag

    i need an og gamertag. if you give me one for free i will be your best friend forever