Search results

  1. Thew new @Shift?>>>>????

    SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM. Look at this jew in the intros and farewells section.
  2. What a waste of an upgrade.

    what kid u wanna fite me kid? gtfo
  3. Thew new @Shift?>>>>????

    That motherfucker had like 150 yesterday and now look. Shit.
  4. Favorite User

    I know you love me, Sector. I appreciate all dat love tho.
  5. Stat IG

    Dope ass Instagram in my opinion. Good luck with sales.
  6. Guess it's my turn...

    I thought you ran your own forum? Are you going to just leave it?
  7. Giving Away: 2,014 Koins

    Hit me up with number 5, thanks!
  8. MC: Buddha

    Pretty nice minecraft, good-luck with sales.
  9. YT

    This is worth $25-$30 depending on the person. Someone could probably think of a nice meaning for this and grow the channel.
  10. Tyler here..

    Hey guys, I found this forum on a different website and I'd just like to say Hello! I am currently a moderator of a member on here's forum. Thanks!
  11. Farewell, playas.

    I just signed up here on ForumKorner, and I already see someone leaving. Sad day for me, I guess.