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  1. Fxfred -

    I made few posts in here today, It has been long time enough so I couldn't make too much posts in here. It's a little bit hard to manage my time in more than 5 PTP sites. And the result, this forum is being second priority because it's harder to post in here than in common PTP :)
  2. Earning Palace -

    I am active to post in this site again, I can reach minimum payout request in here again. That was great because I have been long time enough inactive in here because I couldn't manage my time well. I hope I could get payment in full this site.

    As I heard, the admin is not online for long time enough. I hope he could give explanation of pending payment process which happened in his forum. And also I hope there will be any improvements in his site because the members who still active in there is lesser and lesser now.
  4. digitalmoneytalk -

    I made few activities in this site but last weekend, I could ask payment request from here and I hope I could get payment today or tomorrow. It's not hard to make many posts in here and that is easy to reach minimum payout request in here, especially if we used HD-Money as payment processor.