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  1. Chevrolet

    Updated Selling Banned gt

    RE: Looking for banned gt Even though it isn't much money, I have seen people get tags deleted for selling banned tags. So I do it just to be safe :p
  2. Chevrolet

    Updated Selling Banned gt

    RE: Looking for banned gt I have the tag "C*mplicat*d". Let me know if you are interested.
  3. Chevrolet

    Selling gt 10 $

    Can you please send this to me. I may buy it off of you if I like it.
  4. Chevrolet

    Buying a Nice Aim

    I have the AIM "Bye". Hit me up if you are interested. (I can show proof as well)
  5. Chevrolet

    Looking to buy og's

    OG what? IG, Twitter, GT? If you are interested in an OG AIM, I have one of the best ones on the market currently.
  6. Chevrolet

    Buying Banned OGs | $150 budget

    I have PMed you about a banned tag I would be willing to sell. Hit me up if you would be interested in it.