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  1. Selling oG's

    Im selling a couple good oG's for cheap! Im selling them seperate. Each oG is worth a lot but im selling them for only either a 3Month live card or 2 800 cards. Msg me on xbox if you want more info. My Gt: Great Awareness...
  2. My Tags!

    Im willing to pay 2 1600's for the tag Gradebook. Msg me back on xbox. Gt. Great Awareness
  3. GT:Gradebook

    Im willing to pay 2400 MSP for that tag. [hr] Msg me on xbox. My gt is Great Awareness.
  4. GT : Robbers :)

    Hey, I am willing to pay 1600 for that gt. [hr] Just message me on Xbox. My Gt is Great Awareness.