Search results

  1. Falcon

    Selling domain or forum

    I am selling the domain You can also just take over the forum if you'd like. Post below or PM me with offers
  2. Falcon

    Forum Partner

    I am in search of an administrative partner for my forum: You will be given full admin permissions, but will be expected to assist in the development of the forum. This is currently voluntary, but once we start receiving funds, you will earn a percentage aside from the funds going...
  3. Falcon

    Usergroup Giveaway

    To promote activity in the early stages of my forum, I am giving away one FREE usergroup. Please only claim this is you plan on staying active on and able to find some members who would also be able to stay active and fill the community with high quality content. Please PM me to...
  4. Falcon - New General Discussion Community is a new general discussion community. We are currently in the early stages so this is sort of an early release of the site. Come check us out, and please don't hesitate to critique/ provide feedback. We are also looking for a staff member or two. Stay tuned for a $25 PayPal...
  5. Falcon


    I am looking for a partner to help get my forum up off the ground. Currently, the position will be voluntary, until we can start earning some actual revenue. I have plenty of experience with starting, managing, and developing MyBB forums. I just need someone to assist me. If you have experience...
  6. Falcon

    New Community

    Hello, I have started a new general discussion community and I am looking for a few members who would like to join before the official opening of the forum. By volunteering, you will earn an official "First Fifteen" award in recognition of your help towards the community. If you are interested...
  7. Falcon


  8. Falcon


  9. Falcon

    Forum partner

    I am looking for someone to help me get my forum off the ground. I have enough experience to do this myself, but I'd rather not. You will not be given full administrative permissions, but that could always change. You must have experience using MyBB. This is currently a voluntary position, but...
  10. Falcon - General Design Community

    About DV: Design Virus is a design forum dedicated to every aspect of designing. You can share resources here, whether they are free or paid, tutorials, design services, and you can even get your work reviewed and critiqued. If you're looking for a new community filled with people who share...
  11. Falcon

    Looking for a staff member

    I am looking for a staff member for my new design forum. You must have experience with forum administration and also with graphic design. I will also need help advertising if you are given the spot. PM me for more information. This is volunteer at first, but with the chance of pay later on.
  12. Falcon

    Design Community

    I am starting a graphic design community and I am looking for some members who would be intersted in coming to check it out. I am not advertising, just wanting to get an idea on who would be interested. The site is already live, I'm just adding some finishing touches :) Please either post of PM...
  13. Falcon

    Flat Thread Design Saving up to upgrade. PM me offers or BIN: $7
  14. Falcon

    [BUYING] Forum posts

    Registration and 50 HQ posts/threads: $2.50 Registration and 100 HQ posts/thread: $5.00 I will be paying via Paypal. PM me if you are interested.
  15. Falcon

    Your name on my head for $1

    I am in need of some cash. I will write your name on my head for $1 PayPal. Please note that I am EXTREMELY bored.
  16. Falcon

    Need $3

    I am in need of $3. I will do just about anything for it. Just let me know :)
  17. Falcon

    Easiest $100 you will ever make

    1. Create an account on this website, by clicking college and entering some fake details from 2. You now have a $10 sign up bonus, for every referral you get, you receive $2. Note: I put the referral link there on purpose, you NEED to use it to get the $10 sign...
  18. Falcon

    Light Forums | Earn an FK award

    Welcome! LightForums is back and better than ever! After nearly two years, I have finally decided to bring LF back. Many of you may remember the old forum. The purpose of LF is simple. Have fun, meet new people, and make some money if ya can. We have many great sections for...
  19. Falcon

    Light Forums | Earn an FK award

    Please close and junk. Thank you
  20. Falcon

    Forum Graphics

    I am in need of a logo, thread design, and userbars for my forum. I am also going to need the psd for each. I have no set price range. Please add me on Skype to discuss this more. Skype: FDNY.HF