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  1. [TRADE] LF main [TRADE]

    Still looking.
  2. [TRADE] LF main [TRADE]

  3. [TRADE] LF main [TRADE]

    Im currently looking for a main. Post your main with cb level, stats, and amount of money here and I will choose out of the following things to offer for it, (if its good main I may offer all of it) -Rareish account named: legal -- Info: lvl 3, no gp, 1 everything except hp but nice name -Ex...
  4. The Ultimate Pk Guide

    By the way, you forgot to talk about safing. Lol.
  5. [Guides]Auth Guides[Free]

    RE: [Guides]Auth Guides[Free][SMod] Thanks, may help in the future.
  6. The Ultimate Pk Guide

    Knew most of it but saw a few things I didnt know. Thanks.