Search results

  1. [REQ] Hunter

    I'm going for turmoil, and I've been catching birds for the past like 4 hours, and its killing me. If anyone has a working hunter auth of any variety, I would be very greatful. Thanks.
  2. Helpful way to find authcodes via Pastebin!

    hey dude can i have these auths??
  3. (REQ) auto souwlars pro!

    thanks broo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your amazing and ilu
  4. Supdawg's | SoulWars Pro | Free Give-away

    heeey! can i please have 1 brooo!<33
  5. (REQ) auto souwlars pro!

    Username:xxmclarenxx What you're requesting:auto soulwars pro Why you deserve the auth/ item being requested: i need it to get to 80 str! it would be greatly appreciated
  6. Small Dump

    auto soulwars pro please!
  7. All Day Win Auth Dump #1

    auto soulwars prooo please:)
  8. Supdawg's | SoulWars Pro | Free Give-away

    Can I get one please?
  9. Auth dump = Banned Sorry! please close

    RE: HUGE AUTH DUMP! heeey! send me listpls!
  10. Mini dump

    k i love you:) lool im gonna buy this program but we keep playing private message tag!
  11. (REQ) auto firemaker pro!!

    yaa thats what i do...? uhmm no. just heard of this website and its called i have a life.. school? you know kid things i can't sit here for 9 hours a day like you do sorry pal.
  12. (REQ) auto firemaker pro!!

    Username:xxmclarenxx What you're requesting:auto firemaker pro Why you deserve the auth/ item being requested: i need this for dt! please send me an auth
  13. 600 soulwars auths + other auth dump

    RE: 600 soulwars auths to use. + other auths i want aha!please send
  14. Giving Away 5 Free Auths A Day

    Hii, i am really looking for auto firemaking pro, and auto thieving pro, if you have those they would be much appreciated. The reason i need them for for DT :)
  15. (REQ) auto thiever pro

    Username:xxmclarenxx What you're requesting:auto thiever pro Why you deserve the auth/ item being requested: because i need this to be cable to use the thieving guild please please please
  16. (REQ) auto firemaker pro!

    Username:xxmclarenxx What you're requesting:auto firemaker pro Why you deserve the auth/ item being requested:i deserve because i need it for Desert Treasure please please please
  17. Auth Charity :D

    auto firemakeing pro please! need it for DT:)
  18. nice little auth dump!

    hey dude i commented yeserday can you please send firemaking i need that auth bro
  19. (REQ) Need bots for DT

    Username:xxmclarenxx What you're requesting:auto firemaker pro, auto thieve pro! Why you deserve the auth/ item being requested: i need these for the last stats for DT, please please please!
  20. nice little auth dump!

    hii can i please have themmm!!! i will love you