Search results

  1. How to clone anysite and turn it into a JDB

    Nice guide even I understand..
  2. [HOT] Just bought a domain ""

    The images are still broken. But still some people will think it's their browser...
  3. Yay!! My first chaotic weapon :)

    Gratz bud, I'm still having adamant (LMAO) and I'm working on my stats.
  4. Test my phisher

    All the icons are missing but the Runesope website looked fine :)
  5. Couple of accounts I've logged

    Does a keylogger trough Youtube work that great :o ?
  6. How famous is the person above you?

    10/10 Saw lot's of his posts. Prediction of mine: 1/10
  7. [ARCHIVED] How to prevent leeches.

    RE: How to prevent leeches. Nice man now I get it how they do those post AGAINST me :)
  8. Mwahaha.

    Nice I'm only half way there :)
  9. just some stuff

    Keep posting.... Nice loots@!