Search results

  1. [ARCHIVED] 25M Posting Contest

    RE: 25M Posting Contest Now lets see if i can get my points up xD
  2. I'm quitting RS for bloody good! To celebrate, giving away my prized account!

    i want the account because if i get it ill be really happy. I also think that playing runescape might be enjoyable agian since last time it was really hard for me. I also want this account because ive never really had one and if i do get it ill train it, make money with it, and pk with. So if...
  3. Account Giveaway

    3 and 9 and ill be happy just to get the account :]
  4. Win an RG Elite upgrade.

    I think i deserve it because i just started this and i think itll be really great if i get Rg Elite. So [Pickme] :]
  5. [3 winners]Account Giveaway[Contest]

    Username:Pickme 3 things you've done to help the community:I just started using runegear cause of my friend and i plan on helping the community in the near future. What will you do with the accounts: for the account im just going to pk and make money with them. Pick a number from 1-50 24
  6. Win 30 days free membership

    I think i deserve it because i really need membership and ill be really happy if i had it and i need it to train my account.
  7. [ARCHIVED] 25M Posting Contest

    RE: 25M Posting Contest O hopefully i can Get 2nd place or 3rd at least :]