Search results

  1. Your favourite thing about MineCraft?

    I love just having it like a second life. Not sure why and most people will think I am sad. But I like the idea of growing my own badass area.
  2. Best guns on MW3?

    I still love the Spas12. Even though I feel it should be a secondary weapon still. Still quite new to MW3 so I do not know many guns.
  3. Controllers

    I like wireless the most. Less wires = less things for me to trip on :P Also with wireless controllers you have more freedom on where you sit to play the game.
  4. Miner Dig Deep

    Looks alright. Not very complex so it is not my type of game but thanks for the share. I am sure many others will like it.
  5. Official Post Your Gamertag

    My gamertag is killa cheese44. Add me if you would ever like to play the following games: CoD: World at war CoD: MW2 CoD: BO CoD: MW3 or anything else that you have (will be willing to buy it :P)
  6. Minecraft Accounts

    I already have my own legit one but if I would ever need another one I will be sure to hit you up with a PM. Great offer though.
  7. Hello RuneGear

    Hello there members of this forum. My name is Martin (GAF) and I am a huge gaming fan. I love CoD and Minecraft the most but Runescape fits into the top three :) Hope to have a fun stay here :sunglasses_3: