RE: ExRune | Hacking Group
Name: David
Skills:Exteme SE'ing/RAT/JDB
How much Rsgp have you hacked on RS?:500M around, havent sold everything yet
Are you good/decent at video making/commentary?:commentary yes and I have sonyvegas
skype:pm me
since its usually FUD ill try sending them an "album" but until then im JDBing, telling people RazorPK some fake bugging clan has a livestream and a Squeal of fortune glitch
Yea but alas it shows as an exe icon on skype or msn I believe :/
if anyone knows any exploits besides the .scr to .png character map exploit it would be helpful, otherwise my Java Drive by would be the only alternative
Hi my names Hazy Dave. Dilligent JDB'er and RAT'er, have made 300m in runescape this 2012 beginning year just from learning and investing my time. I like pina colodas and getting caught in the rain :P
Very experienced with Rats and SE'ing online, if anyone has questions or comments please PM...
This has been my preferred method of infection and has made me quite a large sum of RSGP, but the issue stands I cannot get my spoofed .png file (with Blackshades server binded) to look like a png on the skype window, everytime I spoof the extension and use my crypter to change the icon, it...
What is your name? David
What is your runescape name? (can PM me if you like)
What is your MSN + Skype (can PM me if you like)
Are you familiar with using IRC? yes
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos (of hacking rs accounts) yes
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording...
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