Search results

  1. 1 month and 3 month

    Pm me I would like to buy one. Thank you
  2. 1 Month XBL

    Pm me I would like to buy one. Thank you
  3. Sick 7 letter semi.

    I know this tag can reach 200, I've seen shitty semi's hitting 150+ and this one is probably one of the best semis out there. I don't care if no one buys it. But thanks for the heads up!
  4. Sick 7 letter semi.

    I'm not taking less than 200, considering this market is dead.
  5. Sick 7 letter semi.

    Nah man, looking for cash only as i don't wanna do this Gamertag stuff anymore. It's old.
  6. Sick 7 letter semi.

    I guess you can say that! :P You're in the right direction.
  7. Sick 7 letter semi.

    Selling a 7 letter semi. MoneyPak only. Probably going to take the highest offer, if i like it. Don't bother PMing me if your not interested in the slightest bit.
  8. Buying a Main.

    I have just what you're looking for, i will be PMing you right now about it.
  9. Selling DBZ Tag

    I just sold this to you... i thought you wanted it so bad.. but yet your trying to make profit, ha.
  10. DBZ tag.

    Guys the tag is B*dokai! Add me on it if you want proof! [hr] Tag has been sold to Rebirth, thanks.
  11. I Need Urgent Help!!

    I own this, PM me for more info.
  12. DBZ tag.

    Yes that's me man. Tryna get this ugly tag sold!
  13. DBZ tag.

    Selling a DBZ tag, starts with a B and is 7 letters. About 2 months of gold left and 9th prestige all unlocks on MW2. Need to let this go! Buyout: $35!
  14. Optimus' Vouches

    Huge vouch for Optimus, sold him a tag, went real smooth!
  15. Selling 3 character tag

    Tag has been sold to Optimus, smooth deal. Thanks guys.
  16. Selling 3 character tag

    Selling a 3 character tag. Pm me if your serious about buying, I'm not going to respond if i just think your just trying to turbo it. Freshly swapped. No consoles/billing. Buyout: $40 MoneyPak. May take PayPal from some.
  17. [WTB] A Spaced Tag

    I'm the first console owner, and i'm not giving out the tag. Pm me if you wanna talk.
  18. Looking for a three character

    I'm selling a pretty sick 3 letter, pm me man.
  19. [WTB] A Spaced Tag

    I have a sick spaced tag, pm me.
  20. Looking for mains with DLC.

    Still looking for a DLC account, mainly with FULL games. I have a sick 3 letter to trade, or a DBZ tag to trade. LMK!