Search results

  1. who Owns GT : Monsters

    Lol thanks but it's fine man. I already got a -5 from fatboy chaos
  2. who Owns GT : Monsters

    Why would I edit it? What is the point in being a member of a forum if I can't defend myself without being negative repped?
  3. who Owns GT : Monsters

    I was saying what I thought. I don't have a reason to spam. Idgaf about my post count so don't tell me I'm fucking spamming.
  4. Buying Spaced Tag - BTC

    That nigga Trinidad has pooploads.
  5. 5 Letter OG

  6. who Owns GT : Monsters

    I just highly doubt you will get it. Good luck with your search though bro.
  7. Kim Kardashian more influential than michelle obama?

    Kim is a fucking whore lets just leave it at that m8.
  8. 14th Snapchat ever made. "Test"

    Would you go any lower than $40 for this?
  9. GTA V: Online Rank/XP Mod (GTA Online) Xbox360

    Hmu if you can do this nig I need this.
  10. 2 Letter Gamertags

    Spaced 2 letter: $400-500ish Banned: Anywhere from $30-80.
  11. 5 Letter OG

    If I can get some more BTC I might buy this out.
  12. who Owns GT : Monsters

    I doubt that anyone on here has it and if someone does than I doubt they're going to want to sell.
  13. 5 Letter OG

    Why'd you buy this tag and then play on it for like a couple days just to resell?
  14. selling two letter.

    Just because he has scammed before does not mean that you guys need to post his damn tag in the thread. Have some respect.