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  1. 45k Active Facebook page for sale.

    I'm selling this active 'Nicholas McDonald' facebook page I need money its very active and gets around 1k-7k likes on each post guarantee. Please don't reply to threads just add me on facebook and we can talk
  2. Selling 44k Active Facebook page

    This page is called 'Nicholas McDonald' its the guy who came 2nd in xFactor this year and gets 1-7k likes on each post, If someone will buy this off me for good price I'd be happy as need money. Add me on facebook for proof/purchasing.
  3. Trade OG Instagram

    yeah you got skype? what is teh name?
  4. Trade OG Instagram

    Trade for another Instagram, my Instagram is @Claws proof will be provided. Add me on facebook URL: Fruitychef Add me on Skype: TracksGlobal [/img]
  5. Nice Instagram @Claws

    Looking to Trade Instagram @Claws heres proof as recommended. Add me on facebook: Skype: TracksGlobal
  6. Selling Instagram: @Claws

    Anyone up for trades on this instagram?
  7. Original Instagram

    I have Instagram @Claws if anyone wants to trade/buy message me on facebook: