Search results

  1. Private Match Mods Working! ( 11/19/13 )

    thank you so much for this i really appreciate this and will be using this alot now!

    i hate that this glitch was patched i miss the tow truck.. [hr] did you have the tow truck? cause that was my like mission in life before it was patched.. :(
  3. Any Recommendations for new Game?

    oh well! tip for when you get bf4, dont take it too fast i did that.... i had all the guns by a week past release date... take your time and have fun!
  4. What Grinds my Gears

    yea i gotta say this is one of the funnyest things i have seen it a while thanks for sharring!
  5. Any New GTA Online Money Glitches?

    yes there are money lobbys up for grabs try to get a place in one and you can get 1 bill in one sec
  6. Gamertags everyone?

    Unreal Jew thats mine hit me up sometime!
  7. All cheats found for GTA V

    i appreciate this, it will help me out during those liveless days!
  8. GTA V Online

    you could always try to get into the money lobbys! those are fun and will get you about a billion!
  9. Any Recommendations for new Game?

    id say get bf4! or ghost! they are both really good games and will keep you playing for a while! [hr] actually gta5 is my favorite game probably! so much fun!
  10. GTA V Cash Lobby

    please help me get in one of these before they are patched! GT: Unreal Jew [hr] i emailed you but that is cause i didnt have enough posts to pm you i will pm you in a sec! Unreal Jew is my gt