Search results

  1. Last Giveaway: Ecballium

    Numero seis. #6 PLEASE haha, Thanks!!!
  2. Tag a Day: Excility

    #10 please, this is a great gt, hope I win, thanks!! :)
  3. Trading 3 Semi oG Gamertags For 1

    Yeah I know man, that's why I am asking 1 for all 3, thanks for your help though. [hr] Bump, all are still available!
  4. Tag Giveaway: Acrostical

    I will take #15 please!!!! Thanks!!
  5. Trading 3 Semi oG Gamertags For 1

    Mainly looking to trade all 3 gamertags for just 1 solid semi oG/oG gamertag. Reply with the gamertags you have the you are willing to trade, thanks!! Berlin Airlift Airlift in 1948 that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin. UFC...