Search results

  1. 1k koinz

    ill take number 9 man thanks bro
  2. Giveaway: [email protected]

    ill take number 1 thanks man. good luck with it, thanks
  3. Twitter Giveaway!

    number 1 for me man. thanks for the giveaway!
  4. Chaz's Social Mediums

    would you trade a few go snapchats fir a kik or ig? [hr] would you trade a few go snapchats for a kik or ig?
  5. Greed's OG shop!

    RE: Greed's *New* OG shop! would you be interested in a trade? pm me if interested i have some ohs
  6. Semi-OG Instagram

    are you looking for trades or straight money?
  7. What's it worth?

    it all depends on the buyer. if you want to sell it you could maybe get $50. its not technically a word.
  8. Appraise these kiks

    care and cheat are mad og i wouldn't take anything less than 40 a piece for those. the others maybe 15 a piece.
  9. Twitter

    RE: Twitter @Plash really nothing to be honest. i wouldn't buy it. maybe trade something small for it.
  10. I need Some twitters appraised

    ok thanks man thats what i thought i appreciate the response.
  11. I need Some twitters appraised

    i have no idea if these are worth anything but i have.. @DippingSauces and... @volumebuttons what are they worth?
  12. Social Mediums For Sale And Trade

    For all of them combined or for each?
  13. Social Mediums For Sale And Trade

    I have some Social mediums up for trade or sale. IGS @Pincodes @Mailrooms @HeatingPads @iTrades @Doges SNAPCHATS Juggling Bluffed Finances Assort Republics PM OR KIK=AUDIBLES
  14. Social Mediums

    I have some Social mediums up for trade or sale. IGS @Pincodes @Mailrooms @HeatingPads @iTrades @Doges SNAPCHATS Juggling Bluffed Finances Assort Republics PM OR KIK=AUDIBLES